Altrusa of Delta's Annual Sugar Plum Festival - Theme: THE MAGIC OF BOOKS! - Heddles Rec Center
Friday Night (10/21) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - Come and enjoy great appetizers and cash bar as you peruse the many decorated tables and shop with our featured vendors!! Doors open at 5 pm. $10/pp admission
Saturday (10-22) TICKETED EVENT - Sit and have lunch at one of the fabulously decorated tables and enjoy a Fashion Show and shop with our many vendors!
Thursday Oct 21, 2027
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM MDT
October 21st - Open to the Public - 5 pm - Admission $10/pp
October 22nd - 10:30 doors open to Ticket Holders for the Luncheon
Bill Heddles Rec Center
$10 pp Friday Night
$35 pp Saturday Luncheon
Yvonne Rowland - 970-210-0888
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